Home > TEMPstation > TEMPstation K3 Wall Mount Digital Infrared Thermometer
TEMPstation K3 Wall Mount Digital Infrared Thermometer
CNA#: 605167
TEMPstation K3 Wall Mount Digital Infrared Thermometer
Wall Mount Non-Contact Digital Thermometer
- Auto Reading - Motion Detection
- Tamper Proof
- Infrared Temperature Scanning
- Non-Contact (Keep Social Distance)
- Quick
Measurement: One second readout
- Checks up
to 50 people per minute
- Forehead or Wrist scanning
- Displays ºC or ºF
- Alarm
sounds if it detects high temperature
- AC or Battery Operation
- Wall Mount
- Easy Plug & Play Installation
Avoid cross-infection between multiple people during testing, our non-contact digital thermometer can do all the work for you, without even having to touch it! Just mount it on the wall at the desired height and ask your customers and employees to approach the thermometer about 2-4 in before entering the office and obtain their temperature in 1 second! Non-contact, quick & easy!
The Infrared Thermometer can be used to quickly test large volumes of people without causing delays, making it perfect for deploying in high-density areas. Our thermometer can be stationed in offices, supermarkets, shops, restaurants, apartments, hotels, train stations, community centers, and building entrances.
CNA# 605189
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